Monday, February 2, 2015

First Post Jitters

What the hell am I doing?? I can't start a blog! I don't have a single creative bone in my body! No one cares what I have to say! These are the thoughts running through my head as I write this.

WHY am I doing this? I'm not entirely sure and I'm hoping to figure it out as I go. All I know is that I am a girl who likes a lot of stuff and enjoys talking about the stuff she likes to whomever will listen.

I reallyyy wish my lifestyle allowed me to do nothing but buy every new makeup product that graces the shelves, cook 3 course meals on the reg, and blog about kale and peonies all day. Alas, I am young and broke and working to make enough money to splurge at Ulta a few times a year. Okay, maybe it's more like once or twice each month (someone sign me up for UAA - Ulta Addicts Anonymous). Don't get me wrong - I really like my job a lot. I love my company and using my brain and forming business relationships with intelligent people.

But I have been itching for a hobby. I live at home (saving money/avoiding having too many real-life responsibilities), which means my *lack of* social life is constantly reminding me I'm not in college anymore - cue hysterical crying. Too often I spend my weekends and the few hours I have on the weeknights binge-watching Netflix because I don't know what else to do. I should be working out and getting myself in TOP NOTCH shape, but that would be too easy.

So this is happening. I'm gonna post about random stuff and definitely not to make it diary-esque (i.e., my Xanga from junior high...) and I'm gonna have fun while I do it.

For now, I'll leave this here. 

I love this quote (gonna think of "hustle" as working a steady job in insurance, not stealing shit) and how cutesy is this lil artwork someone more creative than me made?! Pinterest rules.

Peace n blessins,

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